Apr 20, 2008


Menopause Has Benefits???
One unfortunate menopause symptom that many people fall prey to is the belief that life is over after menopause. Life isn't over after menopause, in fact for many it has just begun!
Whether you are in early menopause, experiencing pre menopause symptoms or whether you have crossed over into complete menopause, one thing you should recognize is that for much life continues to improve after the change.
Life after Menopause
For most women pre menopause begins at or around the age of 40, with most women reaching actual menopause in their early 50s.
Once menopause occurs, your body will never be the same. That isn't necessarily however, something negative. In fact many consider the changes that occur during menopause a positive sign that they are maturing and moving on into the next phase of life.
It is important to remember that the average life expectancy for a woman exceeds that of men, and for many that means living well beyond the 70s and 80s. To that extent you should consider menopause a sign that you have only lived half your life, and still have half a lifetime of experiences to come!
When you look at it that way, menopause is like a stepping stone into the next part of the journey that is your life!
Benefits of Menopause
  • There are actually many benefits for women who have reached menopause. Think about the following:
  • After menopause, you no longer have to deal with monthly menstrual cycles, which are often accompanied with cramping and bloating.
  • You can have sex with wild abandon after menopause, because you no longer have to worry about getting pregnant.
  • Many women report that their relationship becomes stronger after menopause because they communicate more with their partner.
  • Sex can be more liberating after menopause, particularly at an age where most women are just coming into their own.
  • Reaching menopause is a sign that you are physically and emotionally mature enough to handle all the tuff stuff that life has to dish out with grace and elegance.
  • Living life fully and completely after menopause will depend on a number of factors. First and foremost you have to be willing to embrace your body and the changes it is going through or has already gone through.
  • Most women accept the fact that their body will undergo changes over the course of a lifetime. Puberty is a perfect example of a time when your body went through remarkable changes. As a young woman, you were probably more than willing to accept the changes that were taking place during puberty however, to become a woman. Likewise, during puberty you probably felt a bit awkward and uncomfortable initially as your body changed and blossomed into something new.
  • The same is true of menopause; during menopause there are some periods of awkwardness as you learn to adapt to your changing body, both physically and emotionally. However once you have passed through this period you will blossom once again into your mature self, a vision to be beheld with wonder and excitement.
  • One thing that is crucial for your happiness after menopause is establishing meaningful relationships with friends, family members and peers. Touching and intimacy, physical contact, communication and companionship are all vital elements of life after menopause.
  • Remember too that it is important that you not focus too much on one element of your self, such as any one symptom you might be having, but rather your body as a whole.
  • If you find you are struggling to adapt to your changing body, be sure to reach out to other women who are going through menopause as well. You will find all the comfort and reassurance you need during this remarkable time in your life!

menopause-pre menopause symptoms

Per menopause Symptoms: - Menopause isn't something that occurs overnight. In fact, most women will experience early menopause symptoms and the signs of menopause years before their periods actually stop, for most women, per menopause or pre-menopause will happen long before full blown menopause occurs.

Per menopause:- Menopause isn't something that occurs overnight. In fact, most women will experience menopause symptoms and the signs of menopause years before their periods actually stop. For most women, per menopause or pre menopause will happen long before full blown menopause occurs. Per menopause is best defined then, as the period of time leading up to menopause.

What Happens during per menopause

Much like during menopause, per menopause is a period of time when a women's hormones fluctuate and change.

The symptoms of per menopause often begin years before a woman's period actually ceases. Menopause isn't a process that happens overnight; rather over a period of a few years a woman's health and body goes through many different changes both physically and emotionally.

During per menopause a woman might experience many of the same symptoms they would associate with menopause, including:

Headaches, Night sweats, Hot flashes, Weight gain, Insomnia, Heart palpitations, Fatigue, Urinary problems, vaginal dryness
Depression and Anxiety
Fortunately most of these symptoms can be managed and even eliminated through a variety of interventions, including diet, exercise and supplementation. Many women actually go through the first stages of per menopause without even realizing that their body is undergoing any drastic hormonal fluctuations.

If you are someone who has experienced excessive pms symptoms in the past, you may be likely to experience more of the symptoms of per menopause than someone who has not.

When can I Expect per menopause Symptoms to Strike? Most women will experience per menopause around the age of forty, however this may vary for a woman depending on a number of factors including genetics. If your mother started experiencing signs and symptoms of per menopause earlier then you are more likely to as well. For some women it isn't uncommon to experience signs of per menopause in the late thirties.

For most women per menopause will last anywhere from five to fifteen years. The good news is that during this period of time you can live an ordinary and healthy life. Many women can get pregnant during the per menopausal period, so do not assume that because you are having some of the signs of menopause that you are infertile.

When does True Menopause Symptoms Begin? True menopause is officially defined as the period in time when your menstrual flow stops completely. Menopause can be diagnosed after your periods have ceased for at least one full year.

For most women this occurs sometime after the age of 50. It is important to know that even after menopause your body will go through a number of changes. Thus it is vital that you still seek out routine care from your healthcare provider and engage in a variety of healthy activities to maintain your health and well being.

If you feel that you are having any of the signs or symptoms of per menopause or menopause, be sure to consult with your healthcare provider for an exact diagnosis. Some of the signs and symptoms of per menopause are similar to those of other diseases or conditions, thus it is important that you receive an accurate diagnosis.

Your healthcare provider can work with you to develop a reasonable healthcare routine that will help you minimize any symptoms you are having and continue leading a normal, healthy and productive lifestyle.